The demand to be safe in relationship inevitably breeds sorrow and fear. This seeking for security is inviting insecurity. Have you ever found security in any of your relationships? Have you? Most of us want the security of loving and being loved, but is there love when each one of us is seeking his own security, his own particular path? We are not loved because we don't know how to love.


What is love? The word is so loaded and corrupted that I hardly like to use it. Everybody talks of love - every magazine and newspaper and every missionary talks everlastingly of love. I love my country, I love my king, I love some book, I love that mountain, I love pleasure, I love my wife, I love God. Is love an idea? If it is, it can be cultivated, nourished, cherished, pushed around, twisted in any way you like.

When you say you love God what does it mean? It means that you love a projection of your own imagination, a projection of yourself clothed in certain forms of respectability according to what you think is noble and holy; so to say, `I love God', is absolute nonsense. When you worship God you are worshipping yourself - and that is not love.

什么是爱?这个词已经被用滥了,我几乎都不想提这个字了。每个人都在谈论爱 —— 每本杂志、报纸、每个传教士都在没完没了地谈爱。我爱我的国家,我爱我的国王,我爱某本书,我爱那座山,我爱愉悦,我爱我的妻子,我爱上帝。爱是一个想法吗?如果是的话,爱可以培养、孕育、珍藏、摆布,以任何你喜欢的方式来扭曲它。

当你说你爱上帝,那意味着什么?意味着你爱你自己想象的一个投射,基于你认为什么是高贵的和圣洁的,你想象着自己穿着某种体面的衣服,所以说“我爱上帝”完全是瞎扯。看似你在崇拜上帝,实际上你在崇拜你自己 —— 那不是爱。

Because we cannot solve this human thing called love we run away into abstractions. Love may be the ultimate solution to all man's difficulties, problems and travails, so how are we going to find out what love is? By merely defining it? The church has defined it one way, society another and there are all sorts of deviations and perversions.

Adoring someone, sleeping with someone, the emotional exchange, the companionship - is that what we mean by love? That has been the norm, the pattern, and it has become so tremendously personal, sensuous, and limited that religions have declared that love is something much more than this. In what they call human love they see there is pleasure, competition, jealousy, the desire to possess, to hold, to control and to interfere with another's thinking, and knowing the complexity of all this they say there must be another kind of love, divine beautiful untouched, uncorrupted.


爱慕某人,跟某人上床,情绪互换,陪伴 —— 那就是我们所说的爱吗?那已经变成了规范和模式,爱已经变得如此个人、情色、局限,以至于宗教宣称爱远远不止是这些。在他们称之为人性之爱里面,他们看到有愉悦、竞争、嫉妒、占有欲、把持,控制干涉其他人的想法,而且知道所有这些的复杂性,他们说必须存在另外一种爱 —— 上帝的,美的,未受打扰的,未被腐蚀的。

Throughout the world, so-called holy men have maintained that to look at a woman is something totally wrong: they say you cannot come near to God if you indulge in sex, therefore they push it aside although they are eaten up with it. But by denying sexuality they put out their eyes and cut out their tongues for they deny the whole beauty of the earth. They have starved their hearts and minds; they are dehydrated human beings; they have banished beauty because beauty is associated with woman.


Can love be divided into the sacred and the profane, the human and the divine, or is there only love? Is love of the one and not of the many? If I say, `I love you', does that exclude the love of the other? Is love personal or impersonal? Moral or immoral? Family or non-family? If you love mankind can you love the particular? Is love sentiment? Is love emotion? Is love pleasure and desire? All these questions indicate, don't they, that we have ideas about love, ideas about what it should or should not be, a pattern or a code developed by the culture in which we live.




So to go into the question of what love is we must first free it from the encrustation of centuries, put away all ideals and ideologies of what it should or should not be. To divide anything into what should be and what is, is the most deceptive way of dealing with life.


Now how am I going to find out what this flame is which we call love - not how to express it to another but what it means in itself? I will first reject what the church, what society, what my parents and friends, what every person and every book has said about it because I want to find out for myself what it is.

Here is an enormous problem that involves the whole of mankind, there have been a thousand ways of defining it and I myself am caught in some pattern or other according to what I like or enjoy at the moment - so shouldn't I, in order to understand it, first free myself from my own inclinations and prejudices? I am confused, torn by my own desires, so I say to myself, 'First clear up your own confusion. perhaps you may be able to discover what love is through what it is not.'

现在我怎么去发现这个叫做爱的火焰是什么呢 —— 不是如何向另外一人表白,而是爱本身意味着什么?我得先拒绝教堂、社会、我的父母和朋友,每个人和每本书所说的爱,因为我想亲自发现爱是什么。



The government says, `Go and kill for the love of your country'. Is that love? Religion says, `Give up sex for the love of God'. Is that love? Is love desire? Don't say no. For most of us it is - desire with pleasure, the pleasure that is derived through the senses, through sexual attachment and fulfilment. I am not against sex, but see what is involved in it. What sex gives you momentarily is the total abandonment of yourself, then you are back again with your turmoil, so you want a repetition over and over again of that state in which there is no worry, no problem, no self.

You say you love your wife. In that love is involved sexual pleasure, the pleasure of having someone in the house to look after your children, to cook. You depend on her; she has given you her body, her emotions, her encouragement, a certain feeling of security and well-being. Then she turns away from you; she gets bored or goes off with someone else, and your whole emotional balance is destroyed, and this disturbance, which you don't like, is called jealousy. There is pain in it, anxiety, hate and violence. So what you are really saying is, `As long as you belong to me I love you but the moment you don't I begin to hate you. As long as I can rely on you to satisfy my demands, sexual and otherwise, I love you, but the moment you cease to supply what I want I don't like you.' So there is antagonism between you, there is separation, and when you feel separate from another there is no love.

But if you can live with your wife without thought creating all these contradictory states, these endless quarrels in yourself, then perhaps - perhaps - you will know what love is. Then you are completely free and so is she, whereas if you depend on her for all your pleasure you are a slave to her. So when one loves there must be freedom, not only from the other person but from oneself.

政府说:”以爱你的国家之名去杀戮。“那是爱吗?宗教说:“为了你对上帝的爱,放弃性爱。”那是爱吗?爱是欲望吗?不要说不是。对于我们中的大多数人,的确是 —— 带着愉悦的欲望,愉悦来自于感官,通过对性的执着和满足。




但如果你可以跟你的妻子生活,且没有这些由想法制造的矛盾的状态,这些无休止的内心争执,那么或许 —— 或许 —— 你会知道什么是爱。那时你是完全自由的,她也是,然而如果你依赖于她来获得满足,那么你被她奴役。


This belonging to another, being psychologically nourished by another, depending on another - in all this there must always be anxiety, fear, jealousy, guilt, and so long as there is fear there is no love; a mind ridden with sorrow will never know what love is; sentimentality and emotionalism have nothing whatsoever to do with love. And so love is not to do with pleasure and desire.

这种归属他人,心理上被他人滋养,依赖他人 —— 其中必定总是有焦虑、恐惧、嫉妒、内疚,只要有恐惧,就没有爱,一个充满伤悲的内心永远不知道什么是爱。多愁善感跟爱没有丝毫关系。所以爱跟愉悦和欲望无关。

Love is not the product of thought which is the past. Thought cannot possibly cultivate love. Love is not hedged about and caught in jealousy, for jealousy is of the past. Love is always active present. It is not `I will love' or `I have loved'. If you know love you will not follow anybody. Love does not obey. When you love there is neither respect nor disrespect.




Don't you know what it means really to love somebody to love without hate, without jealousy, without anger, without wanting to interfere with what he is doing or thinking, without condemning, without comparing - don't you know what it means? Where there is love is there comparison? When you love someone with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your body, with your entire being, is there comparison? When you totally abandon yourself to that love there is not the other.


爱没有仇恨,没有嫉妒,没有怒气,没有想干涉他的所做所想,没有谴责,没有比较 —— 难道你不知道这意味着什么?


Does love have responsibility and duty, and will it use those words? When you do something out of duty is there any love in it? In duty there is no love. The structure of duty in which the human being is caught is destroying him. So long as you are compelled to do something because it is your duty you don't love what you are doing. When there is love there is no duty and no responsibility.


Most parents unfortunately think they are responsible for their children and their sense of responsibility takes the form of telling them what they should do and what they should not do, what they should become and what they should not become. The parents want their children to have a secure position in society.

What they call responsibility is part of that respectability they worship; and it seems to me that where there is respectability there is no order; they are concerned only with becoming a perfect bourgeois. When they prepare their children to fit into society they are perpetuating war, conflict and brutality. Do you call that care and love?



Really to care is to care as you would for a tree or a plant, watering it, studying its needs, the best soil for it, looking after it with gentleness and tenderness - but when you prepare your children to fit into society you are preparing them to be killed. If you loved your children you would have no war.

真正的关心就像照看一棵树或者一株植物一样,给它浇水,研究它需要什么,给它最好的土壤,温柔地呵护它 —— 但当你准备让你的孩子去挤入社会,你实际上是准备让他们受死。如果你爱你的孩子们,人类就不再会有战争了。

When you lose someone you love you shed tears - are your tears for yourself or for the one who is dead? Are you crying for yourself or for another? Have you ever cried for another? Have you ever cried for your son who was killed on the battlefield? You have cried, but do those tears come out of self-pity or have you cried because a human being has been killed?

If you cry out of self-pity your tears have no meaning because you are concerned about yourself. If you are crying because you are bereft of one in whom you have invested a great deal of affection, it was not really affection.

When you cry for your brother who dies cry for him. It is very easy to cry for yourself because he is gone. Apparently you are crying because your heart is touched, but it is not touched for him, it is only touched by self-pity and self-pity makes you hard, encloses you, makes you dull and stupid.

当你失去了你爱的人,你会落泪 —— 这眼泪是流给你自己的还是给死去的人?你为自己而哭还是为他人?你是否为他人哭过?你是否为你战死杀场的儿子哭过?你的确哭了,但这些眼泪是出于自怜,还是因为一个人的生命被夺取了?



When you cry for yourself, is it love - crying because you are lonely, because you have been left, because you are no longer powerful - complaining of your lot, your environment - always you in tears?

If you understand this, which means to come in contact with it as directly as you would touch a tree or a pillar or a hand, then you will see that sorrow is self-created, sorrow is created by thought, sorrow is the outcome of time. I had my brother three years ago, now he is dead, now I am lonely, aching, there is no one to whom I can look for comfort or companionship, and it brings tears to my eyes.

当你为自己哭泣的时候,这是爱吗 —— 哭泣,因为你孤独,因为你被落下了,因为你不再有权力 —— 抱怨你的命运,你的环境 —— 你总是泪流满面?



You can see all this happening inside yourself if you watch it. You can see it fully, completely, in one glance, not take analytical time over it. You can see in a moment the whole structure and nature of this shoddy little thing called `me', my tears, my family, my nation, my belief, my religion - all that ugliness, it is all inside you.

When you see it with your heart, not with your mind, when you see it from the very bottom of your heart, then you have the key that will end sorrow. Sorrow and love cannot go together, but in the Christian world they have idealized suffering, put it on a cross and worshipped it, implying that you can never escape from suffering except through that one particular door, and this is the whole structure of an exploiting religious society.

如果你去观察,你就会看到在你内心发生的这一切。你可以完整而充分地看到,通过一瞥,而不是通过花费时间来分析。你可以在片刻就可以看到这个叫做“自我”的卑劣的小东西的整个构架和本质 —— 我的眼泪,我的家庭,我的国家,我的信仰,我的宗教 —— 所有那些丑陋的东西,都在你心里。


So when you ask what love is, you may be too frightened to see the answer. It may mean complete upheaval; it may break up the family; you may discover that you do not love your wife or husband or children - do you? - you may have to shatter the house you have built, you may never go back to the temple.

所以当你问什么是爱的时候,你可能太害怕以至于看不到答案。它可能意味着完全的变动,它可能会打碎家庭 —— 你可能发现你不爱你的老婆和孩子,你爱吗?—— 你可能得打碎你建好的房子,你可能再也不会回到寺庙。

But if you still want to find out, you will see that fear is not love, dependence is not love, jealousy is not love, possessiveness and domination are not love, responsibility and duty are not love, self-pity is not love, the agony of not being loved is not love, love is not the opposite of hate any more than humility is the opposite of vanity.

So if you can eliminate all these, not by forcing them but by washing them away as the rain washes the dust of many days from a leaf, then perhaps you will come upon this strange flower which man always hungers after.



If you have not got love - not just in little drops but in abundance - if you are not filled with it - the world will go to disaster. You know intellectually that the unity of mankind is essential and that love is the only way, but who is going to teach you how to love? Will any authority, any method, any system, tell you how to love? If anyone tells you, it is not love.

Can you say, `I will practise love. I will sit down day after day and think about it. I will practise being kind and gentle and force myself to pay attention to others'? Do you mean to say that you can discipline yourself to love, exercise the will to love? When you exercise discipline and will to love, love goes out of the window. By practising some method or system of loving you may become extraordinarily clever or more kindly or get into a state of non-violence, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with love.

如果你还没有爱 —— 不只是一点点,而是大量的 —— 如果你的内心没有充满爱,世界就会走向灾难。智识上你知道人类的统一是必要的,爱是实现它的唯一方式;但谁会教你如何去爱呢?会有任何的权威、方法、系统来告诉你如何去爱?如果任何人告诉你(如何去爱),那不是爱。


In this torn desert world there is no love because pleasure and desire play the greatest roles, yet without love your daily life has no meaning. And you cannot have love if there is no beauty. Beauty is not something you see - not a beautiful tree, a beautiful picture, a beautiful building or a beautiful woman.

There is beauty only when your heart and mind know what love is. Without love and that sense of beauty there is no virtue, and you know very well that, do what you will, improve society, feed the poor, you will only be creating more mischief, for without love there is only ugliness and poverty in your own heart and mind.

But when there is love and beauty, whatever you do is right, whatever you do is in order. If you know how to love, then you can do what you like because it will solve all other problems.

在这个被撕裂的荒漠世界里,爱不存在,因为愉悦和欲望在主导这个世界,然而没有爱,你的日常生活没有任何的意义。如果没有美,你不可能有爱。美不是你看到的东西 —— 不是一棵美丽的树,一幅美丽的画,一座美丽的建筑或者一个美丽的女子。



So we reach the point: can the mind come upon love without discipline, without thought, without enforcement, without any book, any teacher or leader - come upon it as one comes upon a lovely sunset?

现在我们到达了这一点:内心能否发现爱,不通过自律、想法、强制,不通过任何的书籍、老师或者领袖 —— 能否发现爱就像遇到一个美妙的日落一般?

It seems to me that one thing is absolutely necessary and that is passion without motive - passion that is not the result of some commitment or attachment, passion that is not lust. A man who does not know what passion is will never know love because love can come into being only when there is total self-abandonment.

在我看来,有一个东西是绝对必要的,那就是没有任何动机的热情 —— 热情不是来自于承诺或执着,热情不是强烈的欲望。一个不知道热情是什么的人无法懂得爱,因为爱只有在自我完全息止的时候,才会出现。

A mind that is seeking is not a passionate mind and to come upon love without seeking it is the only way to find it - to come upon it unknowingly and not as the result of any effort or experience. Such a love, you will find, is not of time; such a love is both personal and impersonal, is both the one and the many.

Like a flower that has perfume you can smell it or pass it by. That flower is for everybody and for the one who takes trouble to breathe it deeply and look at it with delight. Whether one is very near in the garden, or very far away, it is the same to the flower because it is full of that perfume and therefore it is sharing with everybody.

一颗在寻求的心不是一颗富有热情的心,不带寻求地发现爱是唯一一种找到爱的方式 —— 无心插柳柳成荫,不是来自任何的努力或者体验。你将发现,这样的爱跟时间无关,这样的爱既是个人,也是非个人的;既是一个,也是多个。


Love is something that is new, fresh, alive. It has no yesterday and no tomorrow. It is beyond the turmoil of thought. It is only the innocent mind which knows what love is, and the innocent mind can live in the world which is not innocent.

To find this extraordinary thing which man has sought endlessly through sacrifice, through worship, through relationship, through sex, through every form of pleasure and pain, is only possible when thought comes to understand itself and comes naturally to an end. Then love has no opposite, then love has no conflict.



You may ask, `If I find such a love, what happens to my wife, my children, my family? They must have security.' When you put such a question you have never been outside the field of thought, the field of consciousness.

When once you have been outside that field you will never ask such a question because then you will know what love is in which there is no thought and therefore no time. You may read this mesmerized and enchanted, but actually to go beyond thought and time - which means going beyond sorrow - is to be aware that there is a different dimension called love.


当你一旦在那个领域之外,你绝不再问这样的问题,因为那时你知道了什么是爱,那里没有想法也没有时间。你可能读到这里,颇感迷惑,但实际上要超越想法和时间 —— 意味着超越伤悲 —— 就是要意识到有一个不同的维度,叫做爱。


But you don't know how to come to this extraordinary fount - so what do you do? If you don't know what to do, you do nothing, don't you? Absolutely nothing. Then inwardly you are completely silent.

Do you understand what that means? It means that you are not seeking, not wanting, not pursuing; there is no centre at all. Then there is love.

但是你不知道如何来到这个奇特的源泉 —— 所以你要做什么?如果你不知道要做什么,你什么也不做,对吗?绝对的什么也不做。那时你的内心变得完全安静。



《从已知中解脱/Freedom from the known》浓缩了克里希那穆提对人类意识和问题的核心洞察。本书首版于1969年,内容是克里希那穆提的演讲和谈话精选。编辑Mary Lutyens是克的朋友、图书编辑和自传作者。

